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9th Avenue 39th Street

9th Avenue 39th Street

The 9th Avenue 39th Street drawing features a view of Manhattan from the West side near Port Authority Bus Terminal. The vantage point is looking up from street level. There are residential apartments in the foreground. I liked the progression of the layers of buildings behind. Each rising higher and higher up to the sky. Rising up in the background with the pointed pinnacle is the New York Times Building. At the time of this writing, it is tied with the Chrysler Building as the 11th tallest building in the city.

A 2022 view from this perspective, taken by the roaming Google “Streetview” Car, can be seen by clicking here. It provides an interesting comparison with my 9th Avenue 39th Street drawing created about 10 years earlier.

I created this original composition using mechanical pencil and drawing paper. I think that it looks great as a wrap-around print on a white, glossy ceramic mug with a copy of the scene printed on either side, and is available for purchase.